Legion NC Division III Posts represent century-old, brick & mortar philanthropy.
National security rests upon community innovation & certified skilled workforces developed for this century.
STEAM Sign-up
Free Drone Simulator for Division III Legion Posts
Our innovation is built upon decentralized ledgering technology to protect private data, to enable transparent accountability and to enhance membership relationship management.
Turnkey hardware & software platforms deliver learning, micro-manufacturing & skill-based gaming to support organizational communications and workforce development.
Creating an avenue for certified learning, trusted education and a sense of respect for these and the world we live in. Legion STREAM includes digital badging and verified certifications to ensure identity and the true traits of ones training and achievement.
Custom, mobile making, gardening and virtual productivity models provide hands-on innovation and business development opportunities.
Apply certified tools and curriculum to support veteran transitions and workforce development in leading, high-paying, no-collar industries.
Fundraising through gaming, sponsorships & business development through micro-manufacturing. Legion STREAM is active and passive member and supporter recruitment.

About the Legion STREAM
OUR TIME DEMANDS trustworthy data management and enhanced audio/video innovations across multiple industries, among almost every community interest.
A recent study with a small sample of Veterans trying to recover from mental health issues found that video games can help in overcoming such problems as PTSD and substance abuse disorders. May 22, 2019, By Mike Richman. VA Research Communications
Legion Division III members connect veterans and students of all ages to certified drone training and other workforce development opportunities through Esports and telemedical multimedia integration with Veteran Service Organizations.
This is developed upon a communications infrastructure that meets the demands for today’s community service organizations built by, for & with its volunteers.

Legion STREAM Highlights
Veterans & Esports
Legion STEAM is connecting veterans before, during & after service through Esports leisure, competitive and professional training.
Enlisted service members spend over 75% of their expendable income on gaming and more and more hours in drone training.
Legion STREAM can provide benefits of:
- Enhanced Mental Health & Recovery
- Confidence
- Social & familial connection
- Personal growth
- Opportunities for employment or leadership
- Linking veterans to service
- Certified Training

Evolution in E-Furnishings
Whether it is a game control design, or a desk built to improve comfort and accessibility, today’s interiors and work environs demand an ergonomic approach to the electrified world in which we live. The dangers of devices and their overuse call for creative innovation within the legacy furniture market.
Promoting advances in 3D printing and Smart Textiles enhance engagement, address human factors in e-furnishing design and improve the form and function for people of varying physical adaptability.
Digital Community Ecosystem
Our vision is to create a branded digital ecosystem for VSOs and their members with intersections to interact with real-world activities and activities taking place in the digital world.
The proposed technology stack begins with furnishings and hardware systems and extends into seamlessly serving multiple management and affiliate platforms tokenized with blockchain.
Generate customer engagement and add to their loyalty, while building a valuable data set. For the customer, they get rewarded for interacting with the brand, and feel more appreciated.
Tokenization delivers accountability and transparency VSOs need.

Thanks To Our Contributors

Government Blockchain Association Global Gaming Work Group is Lead by the Gaming Benefits Corporation